Hi, I was trying to use several 3rd party plugins to use Google Recaptcha on the login form for users, but every plugin writes an error and redirects the user to the wp-login.php. Where when you enter just the same user and password you get access. So the captcha is working it is just not working in the front end.
How can I solve this?
Thank you very much.
CAn you please share some screenshot or url where are you adding the captcha ?
Hi, yes sure sorry for my late reply …
The Captcha is added to the standard login on the main page.
Screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/qTdnU
In the login form we do not add any login captcha, it can only be added by third party plugins as of now.
So you'll have to use the third party plugins only for this purpose. Try different third party plugins which will work with your website.
You can try using this plugin : https://wordpress.org/plugins/google-captcha/