Facebook is updating their API that is used for the BP Social Connect, they raise the issue that some endpoint calls may be affected by this.
Main issue seems: GET {user-id}
Could u look into this and make sure that we can continue to use the facebook login
kind regards
I have created a test id on facebook with an app id and secret, i enabled buddypress social connect. This is working fine at my end here is video: https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cqfnlGZniR
If having any trouble then please share a video of it so that i could replicate the issue at my end for better support.
Yes it is STILL working fine atm, but the graph API that is currently used (v2.8) is going to be depreciated this month.
From of the new version there is a change in how some calls are made.
E.g. this call will be depreciated: GET {user-id}
This will possibly break the functionality. So to ensure that the plugin STILL works when the Graph API depreciates.
Breaking changes are any changes to existing functionality that will take effect immediately and impact all API versions. Once These changes are aplied on api we will try to find out its impact. if it will cause an issue, we will surely work on it on urgent basis.
till then please have some patience.