We are facing problem after updating theme from cpanel. Request you hereby to fix the same.
When you update via cpanel then certain database values are not updated.
Please follow the below steps :
1. Save the options panel: WP-Admin->WPLMS-> Save changes
2. Save the theme customizer settings : Wp-Admin->Appearance->Customize-> Save changes
3. Save permalinks : WP Admin->Settings->Permalinks
Also please share, from which version did you upgrade to the latest version.
Let us know if this helps.
It was upgraded from 2.0.9 to 2.1.1 http://prntscr.com/bwfnkj. We left with no choice but to disable W3 Total cache. Only after disabling the plugin website is working right but page load time has increased to 8 secs and above. Need urgent help to fix the same.
Well our test and demo sites are working fine with the w3 total cache plugin.
Please disable the page and browser caching and minification in the W3 totoal cache settings .Enable the object caching .
All of the errors are php notices which can be ignored and .So,please also disbale your wp_debug from your wp-config.php file.