Headings, paddings issues

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  • #49140
    Hello, Here are my questions for help on what to do (see also photos): 1) I've set the weight 700 in typography for h1, but the custom heading text h1 in VC is still the regular weight. 2) I've set the weight 600 in typography for h2, but the custom heading text h2 in VC is still the regular weight. 3) How to remove the name of the instructor under this courses display? I've got only one instructor and I don't need the name on the bottom of every course. 4) How to remove padding between the banner and the first element? 5) How to remove padding between last element and footer? 6) How to make that button for every course display different color (accent). I don't want it to be theme primary color, but I also don't want to change the theme primary color. Just this button color. Thank you!
    Anshuman Sahu
    1.& 2.  This is an issue as of now . Visual composer puts his own default font styles as of now . We have to overrride it .We will be fixing these issues in the upcoming updates of wplms . Fro the time being you can use other font options available to style the font . refer : http://wpexplorer-themes.com/total/docs-category/typography-fonts/ 3. Can you please share some screenshots or url of that page from where do you want to remove the instructors ? 4. & 5. Needed url of your page where you want to remove that padding. 6. This is not available as of now  in wplms. But you can do this with the help of css with the use of unique class that adds in pages . refer : http://prntscr.com/b67yjo .postid-1260 .full.button { background: #FF2813; } in the above css " 1260  " is the course id . get the id of the course from all courses page and then create css for it and paste it in your wp-admin -> appearance -> customize -> custom css.    
    Thank you Alex, 3) The screenshot is in the attachment (on the website is on the first page, in the courses display) 4&5) Here is the URL: http://tecaji.dosezisanje.si
    H.K. Latiyan
    Try using this css in your appearance->customize->custom css:   .block.postblock .block_content .course_instructor {display: none;} .home.minimal #content {padding-bottom:0;margin-bottom:-25px;} .home .vc_row-has-fill>.vc_column_container>.vc_column-inner {padding-top:0;} .home .vc_row.wpb_row.vc_row-fluid.vc_custom_1463583271488.vc_row-has-fill.vc_row-no-padding {margin-top:-36px;}    
    Hello, 1&2) Can you please provide me with the CSS code to do the things that I want to do with the text? So that the H1 and H2 weight would be higher (as set in the Typography section) and not regular weight. 3) Resolved 4) Resolved 5) Resolved 6) The given CSS code is not working. I changed the postid to 2284 and tested it for this course: http://tecaji.dosezisanje.si/course/premagaj-notranjega-kritika/ The button color doesn't change. Can you please check and provide another code. Thank you!
    H.K. Latiyan
    1) & 2) Try using this custom css:
    h1.vc_custom_heading {font-size:50px;}
    h2.vc_custom_heading {font-size:40px;}
    6) Use this custom css: .postid-2284.minimal .pusher #buddypress .full.button.course_button {background: #FF2813;} Note: 2284 is the post id which is different for every course. The above css is for particular course only, if you want all the course button background color to be same then use the below css: .minimal .pusher #buddypress .full.button.course_button {background: #FF2813;}
    1 & 2) Resolved 6) The color of the button changes to red, but the text and border stays the same color as default. (attached screenshot) I would need the CSS to change also the border to red and the text to change to white. Additional question to 6) Can you provide me please also with the CSS so the button for all courses has red border and text, and then on hover the button changes all to red and text to white. Thank you!
    H.K. Latiyan
    1) Use this css:
    .postid-2284.minimal .pusher #buddypress .full.button.course_button {
    background: #FF2813;
    border-color: #FF2813;
    color: #fff;
    2) Use this custom css:
    .minimal .pusher #buddypress .full.button.course_button {
    border-color: #FF2813;
    color: #FF2813;
    .minimal .pusher #buddypress .full.button.course_button:hover {
    background: #FF2813;
    color: #fff;
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