Heavy load eveythime when working on backend

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  • #173601
    Hello. Everytime I work on back-end to edit or customize my website (working on pages, courses, quiz, post etc) the website load become very heavy. You can see peaks on response time image below. The peaks happens everytime I am working on backend . Please refer: https://prnt.sc/kmqgbf I have no idea if it related to WPLMS, plugins, or my hosting. Need your suggestion.
    Mark Morgan
    Hello, Please try deactivating unwanted plugins on your site to i prove your site speed and also follow this tip : http://vibethemes.com/10-tips-to-increase-your-website-speed/
    Mark, My website speed is fine as long as I am not working on back-end. Is it related to plugin?
    Mark Morgan
    Yes it is related to plugin. The  more plugins are activated on your site the more is the chances to get slow back end.
    Hi Mark, Thanks for advice. All my plugins are 'mandatory'. But I have solved it by installing Heartbeat Control API plugin and disable heartbeat on Dashboard and Post/Page. It makes very significance changes. Hope it helps others.
    @hilmanf Thanks for the information you shared here. Closing this topic  
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