Help with Certificates on exam

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  • #379716
    Ok please dont touch any of it as we had to go with a last minute solution that is far from what we need. DO NOT EDIT THE PAGE ANYMORE. Tomorrow we will send you what we have and what we want to have so you can help us. but so far what you did didnt help us and we had to find another way.
    ok waiting for update. if you enabled the WP admin - LMS - Settings - Touch points , send email on certificate. The students will receive a certificate link in their emails. Another option is that All the generated certificates are attached to the course. So if you edit the course in WP admin area and in media panel select "show attachments to this post" it will show all the generated certificates.
    Ok, So u have users as student and admin credentials, lets start this over and try to get it working for once and for all please. we have a few more days now until next exam. WARNING: the course and exam ARE LIVE, we have students currently doing it, so any changes you wanna do maybe you can duplicate the course / exam for it. What we have now Ok our users arrive to a landing page, Once you are logged in you can see this page. Users click on the button that says YA DISPONIBLE in orange and they access to the course page : once in here users see the course and can start it, all good here. only problem we face (1) is the first course has the drop down open, while the others are "folded" how do we change this? This course has no evaluation since we can't make the evaluation only be based on the exam (2) to solve this temporaly until you provide a fix, we have set up a second course wich only contains an Exam: Here users do the Exam module and once they do we do a manual correction filtering on the users tab checking their exam and if the value of the exam is over 80 points we award manually a certificate. Then we setup in that same page ( hidden atm ) a button to access their personal area using a budypress menu link on the course side bar widget. That button goes to their personal area where they can click and get their certificate. This is obviusly not good and really complicated. WHAT WE WANT TO ACHIEVE User access the course from link on landing page and goes to The last module on this course would be the exam. If they pass the exam with at least 80 points, the system will award them directly a certificate, and that certificate will appear to be downloaded on the course page side bar (ideally click and download the PDF) The certificate will only be awarded if they pass the exam with 80 points or more, they dont need to see the videos at all, since this is a certification program with old content so some of our studens did already the content and can go directly to the exam. List of issues: 1.- in the course page first course shows open acordion, rest are closed, how do we make this one be closed. 2.- How can we Make the evaluation only be based on the result of the exam and not on % of content marked as completed. 3.- The certificate looks really bad quality, the maximum resolution it allows us to set is 595x842 or something like that, once you print this out on A4 its really bad quality.. if we add a bigger image, ( its on the media ) and change the resolution on certificate, it doesnt fits on A4 and breaks the pdf aswell.. no idea how to do this. 4.- Certificate is not asigning automatically to people finishing the exam, no matter whats their result, we just dont get the system to award it and the only way is for us to do it manually even on the second course with only the exam. 5.- How can we find an easier way to place the button that you can find inside users area to download the certificate on the side bar, right now best we found is to add a menu to there with access to personal area, but then CSS out all personal area stuff and leave only the certificate. Would be great if you can explain us how to do it or just set it up yourself, we planing to do many more courses with exams and need this to work acording to our site limitations ( no front end area for our users ). Please answer point by point, and if you going to change something keep in mind we have over 2000 students using the academy at all times, so try to make duplicates of courses or whatever to not touch what we already have going. We also have some CSS hiding lots of things that we dont want them to see so if you need help figuring out where we hide something let us know. Please asign somebody to tackle this asap as its been over a week without getting anywhere close to our objective. Thanks
    Answers, questions and observations : 1. The curriculum is accordion mode by default. We can give you a fix, but it may not be required if you create this course page in Elementor itself like a simple page with better layout and working as a landing page for course. The course page can be easily created using elementor with course elements and maybe a better way to display curriculum if you have fixed curriculum set. 2. Please clarify my understanding : the certificates are awarded on Course score, but you want that there are no scores for courses but certificate to be awarded only on quiz scores >? Possible solution a. a1 : set quiz weightage in course evaluation as Zero. add_filter('wplms_course_quiz_weightage',function($user_marks,$quiz_id,$course_id){ return 1;},10,3); a2. Consider the quiz again for Certificate awarding criteria : $passing_filter = true to award, to no award passing_filter= false;
       foreach($curriculum as $c){
    	if(bp_course_get_post_type($c) == 'quiz'){
    //Criteria can be added on which quiz decides certificates.
    	    $questions = bp_course_get_quiz_questions($c,$user_id);  
    	    $quiz_total_marks = array_sum($questions['marks']);
    	    $total_marks += $quiz_total_marks;     
       $marks = round(($student_marks*100)/$total_marks);
       $passing_per = get_post_meta($id,'vibe_course_passing_percentage',true); 
       if($marks >= $passing_per){return true;}
        return $passing_filter
    paste above in child theme - functions.php Possible solution b. Disable course certificates and use the WPLMS Quiz certificates addon which awards certificates on quiz evaluation. Create a certificate template where you list the course details in the template itself. ---- regarding issues 1. This is most requested feature and we can not revert it. There are 2 options, a we give you script to disable it or you can create the course page in elementor with a better display of curriculum. example : 2. Possible with code as suggested above. if the quiz is going to be the last element in curriculum we can set it easily. 3. This is definitely possible with WPLMS PDF certificates addon. Please use that it is the recommended addon which also sends the certificate in email. comes with drag drop PDF certificate builder : , example, print quality PDF certificate : 4. Not reported by anyone so far. Is certificates enabled in course ? Is there a certificate awarding criteria set ? Try disabling touch point emails. Is this happenning for all courses or a specific course. 5. The elementor widget has this preview certificate. example : , Another option is to simply display the certificate in user's profile page. sharing how to do in next response.
    Hi there and thanks for the answers. im a bit confused with some of your answers. 1. Acordion is not the problem, the problem is that the first one its open the rest are not. can we close that one? so by default when you arrive there they are all folded, and if you want you open wichever you going to take. thanks.
    2. Please clarify my understanding : the certificates are awarded on Course score, but you want that there are no scores for courses but certificate to be awarded only on quiz scores >?
    Yes we want to award certificate for example to someone who doesnt watches any videos and passes the exam. They have seen the videos before in some cases and we dont want to force them to see them again if they already know it. tell me more about this : WPLMS Quiz certificates addon Will this allow me to have the course units and the Quiz on same page but certificate only be awarded based on quiz result? thanks. and yes quiz will be the last element. Could you set it up for us? on a new course that we can later edit? 3.- We use that pdf addon.. still not working. we followed that video, installed the demo templates, everything .. still comes in really bad quality when printed, the images are in media folder so you can set it up for us maybe. 4.- check yourself, everything is enabled and certificates where not asigning. we have only 1 course so its happening for all "aka just that one" touch point emails are disabled.. please go with the admin credentials we gave you and take a look yourself. 5.- i dont get this i dont see the preview on that link.
    Anshuman Sahu
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    1.- Perfect thats working now. For next courses we have to code it or will always be like this? thanks for that. 2.- Ok yeh thats exactly... quote us for the custom code, and give us a time frame when can this be ready.
    You just want to that user can skip the units and just do the quiz to complete the course if im right and certificate will be assigned on the basis of quiz score along with the course getting finished.
    Not even need to finish course, just finish the exam, if its over 80/100 then send certificate to his email would be the ideal ( aswell as place the achieved certificates in a shortcode that we will place in diferent places ) 3.- As you can see on the sample you linked the quality is bad, can you change it for a higher resolution image and make it work? because we cant. on the library there are some higher res templates. this one for example : 4.- i dont get why i couldnt see the certificates being awarded... Ok so now if you can do the number 2 and 3 i guess it will be doing what we want it to do. How soon can you do it ? thanks
    Anshuman Sahu
    1 . no need to add any code , it will be always like that fo r new courses as well. 2 . ok please add this custom code in your wplms-customizer.php file in wplms customizer plugin :
    add_filter('wplms_finish_course_check',function( $flag,$curriculum){
    		foreach ($curriculum as $key => $c) {
    				if(get_post_type($c) =='quiz'){
    					$s = bp_course_get_user_quiz_status(get_current_user_id(),$c);
    					if(empty($s) && $s>3){
    	return $flag;
    3 . well for that please use wplms pdf certificates plugin , create a new template using pdf cetificate builder and assign that template to course in course settings , then you will need to re-assign the certificate to the user .
    3.- we did this several times and can't get it to work it prints out of page or pixelated.. can you please do it for us? and video it? thanks we will add the 2. code and see if it works
    Hi we tried implementing the code suggested on point 2. and it does nothing. we really need you to implement the whole thing, charge us if you need to, but this is not working and its been almost 3 weeks. Can you please tackle this for once and for all ? make our course ( ) (its the next one... due in begining of march) this should award certificate based on the exam only ( we still have to change the exam and the content ) Once they do the exam, system should award a certificate, and then they should be able to download the certificate from the side bar. Please do it once for all.. we keep rounding arround same things over and over. We implemented your code and it did not award the certificate to our test users!
    Iluminación: Retoque: this are our next courses.
    working on your site
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Ok how do we autocomplete course?
    WE activated auto complete course and still didnt award it.. maybe its a different option you talking about.. Can you just do it for us? please will be much faster than this back and forth with a day delay every time. we runing out of time and this is not getting done.. Can't be it takes 3 weeks for such a simple request
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