I need fix for the "Apply for Course" button.
One student applied for a course and the instructor first accepted the application and later removed the student from the course. http://prnt.sc/edixde
Now, that student can't again apply for that course as the button showing "Applied for Course" and doesn't work up on click. http://prnt.sc/edix41
How to fix the "Apply for Course" button so that the student can apply for that course again?
Many thanks in advance.
- Arefin
In apply for course feature the user can apply for course any time and its upto the instructor if he/she accepts the application or rejects the application.
If the instructor rejects the application then also the user can again apply for the course, but if the instructor accepts the application and after that removes the user from the course then that user cannot apply for course again.
If you want to add the user again in the course then go to course admin area and again add the student manually.
Many thanks.
But I think it was an user specific issue that is automatically resolved after I updated the theme and plug-ins. Now, if the instructor remove a user from the course who is already enrolled or rejected application then the "Apply for Course" button fixes automatically.
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