How to generate the certificate after student pass the quiz

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  • #172561
    Hello, i want to generate the certificate after the student pass the "vibe_quiz_passing_score " . please let me know is there any filter or hook avaible   Many thanks in advance
    Anshuman Sahu
    you need to run custom function to assign certificate on submit quiz hook like this . Bwlow code will work .just change the certificate id which is  " 1871 ".   add_action('wplms_submit_quiz',function($quiz_id,$user_id,$answers){ $passing_score = get_post_meta($quiz_id,'vibe_quiz_passing_score',true); $user_marks = get_post_meta($quiz_id,$user_id,true); if(!empty($passing_score ) && isset($user_marks) && $user_marks > $passing_score){ $certificates = get_user_meta($user_id,'certificates',true); if(empty($certificates)){ $certificates = array(1871); }else{ $certificates[] = 1871; } } });
    Hello, Is i have to add the code in the wplms-customizer.php ?? And once the student finish the course (read all unit and mark as complete) -> take quiz -> get more then the passing parameter in quiz -> assign the certificate  automatically. Is this possible with the current theme or i have to modify some filter   Thanks in advance.
    Mark Morgan
    Yes, you have to add this code in wplms-customizer.php file. Yes it will work as mentioned by you, but you need to first connect the course with quiz from quiz settings. Refer :  
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