How to Protect Translations

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  • #75465
    So I've read some of the posts on here about saving translations so that they're not lost when updates happen.  But I'm still a little confused. Here's what I did so far. I did not have a languages directory in wp-content so I created it But now what am I supposed to put inside?  Is it the Loco.pot file from Loco translate?  Or the .mo and .po files from each of the things I translated?  Also, do I need to make sub-directories in the languages folder for themes and plugins? Then what do I need to after an update?    
    H.K. Latiyan
    Please make sure your translation files are saved in wp-content/languages folder. The theme translation files are stored in  wp-content/languages/themes folder. The plugin translation files are stored in  wp-content/languages/plugins folder.   Also make sure after update you rescan/sync the translation files.
    Ok, but what exactly are the translation files?  Are they the .po and .mo files?  or the Loco.pot file?
    H.K. Latiyan
    .po/.mo files are the translation files and loco.pot file is created by loco translate plugin itself. There is also a theme pot file i.e. vibe.pot which loco translate require.
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