How to remove parent theme actions?

Home Forums Legacy Support Support queries Other issues How to remove parent theme actions?

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  • #152242
    I have to remove some of wplms actions in my child theme (e.g. vibe_view_woocommerce_order_course_details). I already tried something like this (remove course links on order recieved woocommerce page)
    add_action('bp_after_setup_theme','removeVibeAction', 0);
    function removeVibeAction() {
    remove_action('woocommerce_order_item_name', array('WPLMS_Actions', 'vibe_view_woocommerce_order_course_details'));
    and could you please add how to deal with other WPLMS actions as well? I have to remove a lot of them.
    Mark Morgan
    Hello, You can follow this tip to remove actions from child theme. Refer :
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