Hi, I need to get rid of this page: https://prnt.sc/z92lbq
and I want to remove the students in the course for the teacher as well, nor ratings, I don't want to show how many students are inside any course.
Please help me with this.
another thing is that i don't want user to make comments in the course nor public notes, how to remove all this?
Well as explained in previous page we cant right now ,we can add a loader in place of this if you want the page will be faded and becomes clear when app loads .
I think its better to have a loader, becasue people think this is stuck and sometimes nothing happens and I need to click again in the users name fro the page to refresh again and finally send me to the profile page. Please consider the loading animation or something so people can know about this and can wait, if not this is not intuitive at all.
Well yes currently there is no loader but we can add it later in updates .
adding to issue log :
Ok, thanks, becasue now is really confusing for users to get inside and not knowing if the page is loading or what.