Hi VibeTheme!
I have one problem with my course page. I use Adobe Captivate to insert course slides into course, and works ok, but because "Back to Course" button is placed right top, my course is not showed in full size, so i want to remove or move somewhere and show my course captivate in full size.
This is affected <a href="http://thisistraining.co.uk/unit/test-unit-1/?id=1953" target="_blank">URL</a>. To see what is issue, please use this login credentials:
username = test , password = z(n&5%Y3T6HP58kh
Can someone help me with this? Thanks in advance !
Well please note that the user cannot access the units directly on the single unit page .Students can only access the units on the course status page(
http://prntscr.com/9dyk9m) or they can only directly access the unit which are free .
I dont understand you.. If you see object in that course page is inserted into <iframe> tag, so i want to remove scrolling bars.