Hello, I cloned one of the websites I manage with WPLMS and I can't connect to Vibe BP with the new site. Could you help me please??
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I can't access my personal space as admin and students can't log in to their accounts either
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It cannot find the courses and cannot connect to Vibe BP
There is some third party plugin maybe the maintainance plugin itself blocking all the api requests to server even login , please try disabling it and try agin .
I disabled the maintenance plugin and the security plugin still doesn't work. I even tried to start from scratch with a new website, it does exactly the same thing
access to api is disbaled https://prnt.sc/26h929s
checking for further information
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Please, we really need your help. It is very important.Thank you
Well then its a server error .The server itself is blocking all api requests. Seems like actually post requests are banned .
Please contact your hosting provider on this .
Hello, you were right! thank you very much. I close the topic
thanks for your confirmation