As the title explains... The import works fin as I can play with the imported h5p files in the backend (h5p menu).
I can also implement the uploaded h5p content in classes.
But when the registered Student for the class want's to take the course he/she gets a blank screen:
Can you check this please?
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Hi please refer :
Import is OK but when the assigned student starts the course there is a blank page:
This matter is also addressed in this
Hi did you try this tip???? :
You need to add unit/quiz according to tip and install wplms h5p plguin from .
Thanks Alex, this was the point. Adding quiz! The unit didn't help on its own!
btw. The mentioned Videos come without audio and are difficult to follow that way.
Problem solved!
is your issue related to this topic is solved?
Yes thanks, Problem solved!