Impossible to translate

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  • #58816
    Hi! I've tried to edit my .po file, use Loco plugin for translation but I cannot figure out how to translate pages such as profile page, create a course page, etc. I've looked for "enter a course title" for example in the .po file but couldn't find it (hence couldn't translate it). Any idea how I can solve this? My platform being in French, it's a big problem for me to have entire pages in English. Thanks
    H.K. Latiyan
    The front end course creation comes from the wplms front end plugin, so try searching the string in the wplms front end plugin and then translate it. The profile page comes from the buddypress plugin, so try translating buddypress plugin for this. In profile page some texts comes from the wplms theme also. Let me know which strings you are not able to translate so that I can check it and help you in translating them.
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