I just installed Wplms S3 4.01 (latest version) and I see that when I enable the "Enable s3 for unit attachments" option, Instructor Privacy stops working:
See image: https://prnt.sc/11jas9h
See video: https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/crfDrFVndjU
Please help with this.
No help here.
Almost 5 days and I have no help from you.
This is very important and urgent.
I see that you are answering more recent topics related to Wplms S3:
However, there is no help for me.
Please help asap.
I also have the same problem, but in the videos.
My problem was at s3, solved.
@camarfbi1 I'm glad you were able to resolve your issue with videos (I've seen your topic about large video files on S3).
Let's hope the guys from the Forum respond to this topic. It has been 7 days since I created it and so far there is no response.
Apologies for the late response , the issue is found and is fixed , releasing .
Please update wplms s3 to version 4.02
Hi @Alex
This is great news.
I confirm it. This is working correctly now.
Thank you.
You may close this topic.