Integrating customized "Paysera" Gateway module in myCRED

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  • #71206
    Hello This time I need your support for which I am ready to pay and agreed fee, cause this is some extra integration work I want some pro designer to do with the payment system I am using for my website to buy a credits (points).We want to integrate a bit different module in MyCRED plugin which would enable us to add one more customized gateway. This plugin is working fine with Paypal, it allows me to by points. But in Lithuania (my country) we have analog to PayPal system, called Paysera. Paysera is international system, so you might heard it before, but it's also applied for Lithuanian banks. This Paysera system has already created plugin for creating a gateway in WooCommerce environment. And it works fine. But we want to overcome WooCommerce and operate only on myCRED plugin. Could you create this module, for myCRED plugin. We do have all needed codes, Porject ID, security key, and all libraries dedicated for Paysera integration in online shops. If you could provide me with this service that would be hugely appreciated. Could you advice how much it would cost for us to receive this service from you. Greetings, Ignas
    H.K. Latiyan
    Thanks for suggestion. But I think your request should be directed to the MyCred plugin developers.
    Hello, I am using MyCRED plugin to buy Points. On the Course price now we see only the number of points. But it is confusing if it is Points or some local currency. I see that plugin MyCRED sends code where it shows the word "Point" (on "Points" in case of more than 1 point). Your plugin "Vibe-course-module" reads this kind of code only from WooCommerce (which I don't use). Could you write a short code for customizer.php file to get the same reading function from MyCRED plugin? Please see the pictures of - how I have it now: - how I want it to be: Thanks
    H.K. Latiyan
    Well this setting is already present in the my cred plugin. You need to provide the suffix in its settings, refer:
    I see what you mean. I know this one, but I need something bit more to it. In Lithuanian language, we have for the word "Point" (LT translation - "Taškas") in singular version and "Points" ("Taškai") in plural version. For the plural version we have two different endings of the word. One is  "Taškai" and the other is "Taškų" For example we use singular spelling with "Taškas" we use for 1, 21, 31... 101, 121... 201, 221, etc. As you see 11, 111, 211 is not part of this group. And even more strange that this singular version spelling is used even in all of those plural numbers ending 1. For all some plural numbers such as 2, 3, 4...9, 22, 23, 24...29, 32, 33...39, etc. we spelling "Taškai". And for other type of plurals such as 10, 11, 12... 20, 30, 40, 50, etc, 100, 200 we say "Taškų". So as you see we have quite a bit different more complicated way of spelling this word. So what I want is to be able to have more variation in the string for the ending of this word. So summing up, there are Tree different spellings: Taškas, Taškai, Taškų, The common part is "Tašk" the three different variations are: "as", "ai", "ų". Thanks  
    H.K. Latiyan
    Thanks for clarification. As such there is no fix provided in the MyCred or WPLMS for this. Based on this I have prepared a small snippet which should resolve this issue for you : Paste below code in Child Theme - functions.php or wplms customizer/wplms_customizer.php ----- add_filter('mycred_format_creds',function($layout,$creds){ // LOGIC $suffix = 'Taškai'; if(empty($cred%10)){ $suffix = 'Taškų'; } if(($cred%10) == 1){ $suffix = 'Taškas'; } $layout = $layout.$suffix; return $layout; },10,2); ----- p.s : Note that this support request is not a part of theme support as it deals with a third party plugin customisation and it should have been directed to MyCred developers.
    Hi, Thank you so much for brilliant support. I will give for sure 5 start on this theme. We tried this code, but there is missing some argument. I got this warning: Warning: Missing argument 2 for {closure}(), Do you think you could advice what to correct? Thank you!
    H.K. Latiyan
    Yes my mistake I forgot to add the number of arguments in the above code. I have updated my above code please add the above code and delete the previous one.
    Hi there, Extremely thanks for your support. I found one more bug, and also applied separate code lines for numbers 11, 12, 13...19. Now everything works perfect. I though you might want to use this code for future requests, cause in our neighbor countries the system is pretty much the same. So the final code I use is this: ___ add_filter('mycred_format_creds',function($layout,$creds){ // LOGIC $suffix = ' Taškai'; if(empty($creds%10)){ $suffix = ' Taškų'; } if(empty($creds%11)){ $suffix = ' Taškų'; } if(empty($creds%12)){ $suffix = ' Taškų'; } if(empty($creds%13)){ $suffix = ' Taškų'; } if(empty($creds%14)){ $suffix = ' Taškų'; } if(empty($creds%15)){ $suffix = ' Taškų'; } if(empty($creds%16)){ $suffix = ' Taškų'; } if(empty($creds%17)){ $suffix = ' Taškų'; } if(empty($creds%18)){ $suffix = ' Taškų'; } if(empty($creds%19)){ $suffix = ' Taškų'; } if(($creds%10) == 1){ $suffix = ' Taškas'; } $layout = $layout.$suffix; return $layout; },10,2); ___
    H.K. Latiyan
    Thanks for the update.  
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