Just do the exam?

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  • #151581
    Hi, I just want to watch video and make an exam. Is it possible to do this without adding Unite and Training text? Can the video start playing with the start exam button? I want to combine video and test time.
    Mark Morgan
    To do this you have to add video in first question of the quiz and you have to set quiz duration manually in quiz settings equals to the time of video. Refer: http://prntscr.com/ixj695
    Should we add Video as an exam question?
    Are you responding too late? This system is very detailed for what I want, I want a simpler structure. Very simple to help me to set up a simple and straightforward system in the form of video and then test. If I can not do that, I want to return it.
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    Mark Morgan
    Hello, I have created a video by adding a quiz in a course in which a video is added in a quiz as per your requirement. But i would suggest you to add the video in a different unit and you can set unit completion lock before start the quiz. If i misunderstood anything then please let me know. See this video: https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cFeUIYDpt9
    Hello Mark Morgan, Thank you. Course Expired Click to Renew writes, clicks but can not be renewed. 9999 min in course settings I made it though the time is running out. I generally did not figure out how the system works. There is too much detail and the settings are very messy.
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    It is very difficult to do this in such a detailed system
    Mark Morgan
    Hello, 1. For unlimited course duration you need to set the course duration parameter in days that is 9999 days. Please set the course duration parameter before the course starts. 2. Direct access to units is not allowed, you have to create a course and then add units in course. Then user can take the quiz and check result. instructor can view and download quiz stats. Refer : http://prntscr.com/iyd82z Set the number of extra retakes to 9999 for unlimited quiz retakes in quiz settings. Refer: http://prntscr.com/iyd98y
    1 - Can not it be done again after the trainings have been created? Is it necessary to erase training and reopen it? 2 - Is not it enough to build training and exams without building a unit?
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    Mark Morgan
    1. The other way to increase or decrease the course duration is you can extend subscription of course. To do this please go to course Admin-> members ->Extend subscription. Refer: http://prntscr.com/iyeqn4 2. Yes you can build course and add the quizzes inside the course.
    Mark Morgan
    To change the title color please add the CSS code in Custom CSS. To do this please go to wp-admin ->Appearance -> Customize ->Custom CSS. CSS code: #buddypress div#item-header div#item-header-content h3{color:#008000 !important;} To change the color of selected unit you can change the "single menu light text color". To do this please go to wp-admin ->Appearance -> Customize -> body. Refer: http://prntscr.com/iyg0x0
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