As described on the topic's title, the contact page is acting as it was the blog page. I don't understand why. As I remember, I did nothing to cause this.
The page's template is the contact page and on the Wordpress reading settings there is no blog page defined at all! Why is this happening and how to fix it?
Thanks in advance!
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Thanks for sharing the credentials, I checked your website and it seems to be a server side caching issue.
I changed your template and even changed the code of the contact page template, but there is no effect on the page.
This indicates the server side caching issue, so please contact your webhost and ask them to delete all type of cache from there side.
Unfortunately it did not work since my webhost does not use any cache. I cloned the contact page and gave it another permalink and updated the menu. It is working as it should now.
Thanks for the update so closing the topic.