Learning Path

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  • #389992
    Joseph Thomas

    I have learning paths created like the tutorial: 


    1- I do not want the studcent to get acceess to "All paths". How can the admin assign the paths for the student?

    2- Unable to access courses (All links not clickable)

    Images in the next topic

    Joseph Thomas
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    Anshuman Sahu

    to make access to course please add the course link in the step description itself, we do not add the course link to the step .

    well admin cannot assign learning path to the user manually right now user has to click enrol now on his own

    Joseph Thomas
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Anshuman Sahu

    1 . to add the links please use a href tag <a href={link to course}>{course name}</a> in the step description .

    2. no sir im sorry there is no way to start the course right way , learning path is just a path which provided certificate 

    it does not assign you to the course if you just enrol in it you have to purchase or take the courses individually of the path . 

    3 . no sir we cannot force user to take the steps sequentially .sequential steps means that in order to obtain 

    learning path points and certificates you have to perform the steps sequentaially

    4 . we can hide it using css : 

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