Left border in certificates

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  • #114059
    I've setup my first certificate and I have 2 questions to make it right dans understand how it works. Are the certificates automatically sent to students once they hit "finish course", or do I have to do it manually from the admin panel? Design fine tuning : there is a black border showing on the left of my certificate. It is almost invisible when looking at the modal window, but when I want to print, there is this thin line on the left of the image. Thanks for your help! :)
    H.K. Latiyan
    Hi... 1) The certificate will be automatically assigned to the user, once the course is evaluated and the student receives the required marks in the course which is set for certificate. 2) The thin line on the left is not added by wplms, its a browser printing issue which adds the line. You can download the certificate and also download it as a pdf.
    Hi H.K.! It really looks like the jpg image has a border...because when I try to see it in PDF or print it, the line is still showing.
    H.K. Latiyan
    Delete the certificate image from the Course media and regenerate the certificate image. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtMck_nMCbU
    I deleted the file from the media, and reassigned myself the course certificate. The thin line is still there. It seems like the line is added when the jpg is generated.
    Another question : is there a specific size for which the certificate will print centered in a 8.5 x 11 sheet? For the moment, if we want to print, the certificate is aligned to the left... Actual size is set to 850 x 664 px. One last question : if the student name is incomplete in his/her profile (ex : only his first name), and the certificate is assigned, is it possible afterwards for the student to change his name in his profile and update the certificate automatically, or will I have to delete and reassign the certificate  from my Admin account? Thanks again for your help. :)
    H.K. Latiyan
    Hi... There is no specific size for certificates, it depends on different factors such as screen resolution. So you need to set the different dimensions to get a proper certificate size. ------------- Hi... Please refer this tutorial: https://vibethemes.com/documentation/wplms/knowledge-base/improvements-in-wplms-certificates/ You can regenerate the certificate again as explained in the above tutorial.
    Thanks for your help. After these conversations, I realise that the WPLMS certificates don't comply with our standards. We need a file that can fit in the center of a 8.5 x 11 on every computer. The time we take for individual customization (certificate regeneration) depending on the name(s) the user has in his profile breaks the automatic workflow. And I never got rid of the black line on the left. Therefore, it is still more convenient to print a professional certificate and send it by mail to our students. The theme LMS is pretty good, but the certificate feature really needs an upgrade to comply with high quality printing. Just a feedback...  :)
    Hi, @coaching-quebec Sorry for the inconvenience caused. We are aware of the issue you are facing. Improvements in the certificates are planned for WPLMS. But there is not timeline to when it will be released. Right now we are working on the next big thing in WPLMS ie WPLMS APP api and WPLMS 2.9.   Thanks for the feedback :) For now i am marking your topic as resolved and closing it.   Regards, Vibethemes Support.  
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