lesson expires

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  • #17004
    The Lesson Expires message is very confusing for students. Is there a way to disable this code. All course have unlimited duration but it seems when the student clicks "Take this course" then they return the next day or 2 days later the button says "Lesson Expired to Renew"
    Our skype 1hour lesson booking flow for students is as follows: Student clicks "Take this course" > "arrange lesson time" > (lesson starts) "Start Course" > (1hr later lesson finished) "End Course"    
    H.K. Latiyan
    Please check the duration of course and the product subscription, if you make both of them unlimited then it won't expire.
    all courses are fixed for 1 hour duration (teachers cant adjust this) Attached is the photo of the subscription duration (normally hidden from teachers) Should this default number be fixed on 9999 ?    
    please can you also provide the code to fix the subscription duration to 9999 My developer tried this code but it did not work   add_filter('vibe_product_duration_parameter',array($this,'vibe_product_duration_parameter'));
    As a test, i set the subscription duration manually to 9999 yesterday and had a test student book the course (link below). Today it's showing lesson expired and when i checked the course settings subscription duration had reset to 1 http://www.ajarnonline.com/lessons/fun-english-conversations/ <span style="line-height: 1.5;">Teacher: michael78 / bangkok7*</span> Admin: [email protected] / 78m458fx**  
    Anshuman Sahu
    Can you please check your site is not working when i access the course  .Please contact your webhost to increase the php configuration and also try deactivating the third party plugins .
    can you send me a screen shot of the problem I just accessed the course with our test student mike78 bangkok7* (i have emailed wpengine asking them to increase php configuration)  
    wpengine would like to know exactly what you mean by "increase the php configuration" Are you referring to php memory limit?  
    Anshuman Sahu
    Yes i was talking about the memory limit . It seems to get exhausted due to which your course page was not loading properly  .The page is just not loading : http://prntscr.com/9nwqeg  this can be due to your customization error or third party plugin .
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well about your issue .If your course duration is just for  1 hous then after one hour the course will get expire for the user  . Please povide duration in 9999 days in your to make the course unlimted .
    Setting the course as 9999 days wont work as we need the lesson to show as a 1hr course so students know how long their lesson is. Our students will browse the site and select the course they want to pay for and study. Can we remove the code which triggers the Course Expire message? so the student only gets unassigned from the course after clicking "Finish Course" (which is what happens at the moment) Or can you think of another solution where we can sell 1hour lessons and give the student 30 days or unlimited time to complete this 1hour?  
    Anshuman Sahu
    Please clarify if you want chnage in the functionality of the course pursue. If not you can still translate the course expired text with the code styling .
    Yes we want to change the functionality so the course does not expire after 1 hour Ideally, we would like to give the students 30 days to complete the 1 hour duration skype lesson with the teacher.  
    Anshuman Sahu
    So you just want to show the time limit 1 hour but do not want to actually apply it ? Note that if the points that you have connetced have subscription enabled then the duration for the students in course will be that which is set t in the mycred points subscription it will ignore the course duration . But if your mycred points in course is set to full subscription then the course duration in the course settings will be taken into account . So it upon you to set the duration of your courses. Set the course duration to  1 hour and mycred subscription to be 30 days . refer : http://prntscr.com/9p2qdp This will make the student to access the course for 30 days .
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