Well, that, if I try to create a new account from the header login /#login no email arrives, but if I create an account buying from woocommerce.
Any ideas?
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for activation email.
please make sure you have enable some settings:
goto wp-admin -> lms – > settings -> emails -> email options -> edit activation email template -> check if there is any template there .
please make sure you have enable touch points in lms setting and also enable the welcome email setting in registration form.
Please check if you have setup any activation emails in Buddypress emails from wp-admin >> emails .
If not then please set one .
refer : http://prntscr.com/brx18f
Hello, I have checked everything you tell me and they are activated, as well as created the email templates.
what am I missing?
Thank you
From what I have been able to verify later, if I receive emails from Student started course among others, but not about the creation and activation of the new account
The activation email is sent by the buddypress plugin.
The exact reason why your emails are not sending can be explained by your webhost only.
If you have your cpanel credentials then you can go there and go to WHM and see which email is not sent and why it is failed.
The request is in the pending, this means the buddypress tried to send the email but for some reasons it is not sent and this you can see in the WHM.
On our test setups we use WP SMTP , can you please try this plugin for emails
refer: https://wplms.io/support/knowledge-base/wplms-mail-smtp-gmail-smtp/
Please check Another type of emails such as ‘WP Mail SMTP test email’, ‘WooCommerce order emails’ and ‘manual user registration via WordPress settings’ are working or not??
***if you are receiving other emails and not only registration activation then
please try adding this given code in your wplms-customizer.php file in wplms customizer plugin :
add_filter( ‘bp_email_use_wp_mail’, ‘__return_true’ );
let me know the results.