login and registration

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  • #374898
    Hi, I have the following issue: I enabled firebase login and registration but also left the email login and registration. Now I have several questions in regards to user login and registration: 1. When a user is logging in (f.e. using firebase), the login goes successful, however the login popup will not close. The user has to manually refresh the page. Is it possible to set up redirect on successful login? 2. When the user is registering using email in the login popup, has entered email and pass, the activation link will not get delivered to user. I tried to register myself and the activation link will not arrive in inbox, not in spam, nowhere. I also tried using forgot password link on registered but not activated user, seems that no emails are getting delivered to user. How would I fix this? 3. I installed version 4 demo on a clean wordpress site and I see in member profiles multiple similar gender and county fields. How would I edit those? 4. One more question. When a user is logged in and inside his dashboard or my coureses, there is top hidden menu for notification and chats etc. For some reason it is not working on my site. When I press that menu button nothing happens, the menu will not pop up. https://prnt.sc/20h2iwz I am kind new to your theme and I like it very much, trying to understand how it all works and set up an academy but for now I am getting stuck on all these small steps. Thank you in advance@
    Anshuman Sahu
    1. For this we would need to check your site , please share your site url and admin creds in private reply . 2 . for this please check if forget password email is sending out from system.Check it from wp-login.php page forget password link . After this please check if activation email is present in your site in wp-admin -> emails . 3 . You can edit them from wp-admin -> users -> profile fields . 4 . Please ignore this , we are going to remove it in our next updates .That icon opens chat and notifications. Chat we are gonna revamp fully in future.
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    hi for social logins you haven't added the correct configuration http://prntscr.com/20qryib please setup the firebase accordingly: Create a Firebase project if you do not have one. See this video how to create one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0h3oECa2JMg
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