I just upgraded to WPLMS 4.
I can't really see the new layout and everything but my main issue right now is that the login popup doesn't appear on all pages but a few. It comes up on woocoomarce my cart page for example. I tried adding this code to no avail.
.user_menu.active {z-index:99999 !important;}
z-index:99999 !important;
Please help
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on your site minification is enabled so disable that and also there are many errors on the console
and also we don't support rocket lazy loading disable that too and then check it
Thank you that was it!
two further questions, please
1. The notes, discussions, and Chat section won't open. I follow the tutorial video but might did something wrong
2. I saw the customize login screen video but it doesn't show up on my customize screen
all plugins are updated
Thank you for your help
1. Well for the chat to work please configure the firebase configuration : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLDs4Ue1vzU
It has screen to setup the firebase config .check if you config has databaseUrl property?
2 . Im sorry can you please share a screenshot of this which customize login screen setting is not working?
Please also try clearing up cache .
Thank you!! please mark as solved
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