Logo not responsive Pic size not same in all courses and Course Carousel

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  • #39331
    I already tried suggestions of size of pics. A few problems I am having with size of pictures,words and logo since update:
    1. The size of the pictures on the home page under courses (Courses carousel on page builder) are all the same but when you go under ALL COURSES all pics except  - Combo Course EFDA & Dental Xray Certification are the correct size. (See screen shot)
    http://prntscr.com/albvwk  (incorrect size) http://prntscr.com/albw2v  (correct size) <span style="line-height: 1.5;">2.Where does that size of pics get adjusted  so it can match all the others?</span>
    1. Why are the prices of the courses so very small on the all courses page?
    Some Items not responsive on cell phone:
    1. When viewing my website on a cell phone it is not all responsive
    a. the logo on the home page is distorted not responsive on cell phone (See screen shot) http://prntscr.com/alcbor  (logo not responsive) b. the courses carousel on cell phone not responsive words are not fitting in the box and prices arent showing in some of the courses  but they are fine on regular computer (see screen shot) http://prntscr.com/alcbu4 http://prntscr.com/alcesu
    www.academy4da.com admin a4da2525
    Anshuman Sahu
    1. i checked that course and found that the featured image for that course is just of resolution 125 X 76 .So ,Upload a larger resolution picture in the course featured image . refer : http://prntscr.com/am0jdd 2. Unable to replicate the issue at our test site : http://prntscr.com/am0lqk This is appearing due to customization . add this css to fix this : span.amount {     font-size: 20px !important;     color: #79c989 !important;   } 3. Unable to replicate the issue . appearing due to your custom css : Add this css to fix : @media (max-width:500px){ #logo img, #alt_logo img {     max-height: 72px !important;     height: auto;     max-width: 150px; }   } 4. Fixed that by settings the " Minimum Number of blocks in one Screen " to 1 in page builder : http://prntscr.com/am0rta
    Honestly I appreciate all you do at Viethemes BUT with that being said every time you say unable to replicate it is very upsetting as I say over and over I am not a developer I am not a web designer. I only put customizations when I ask about them on this forum and YOU tell me what to do.   so everytime you say you cant replicate its due to my customization's its frustrating because you specifically suggest the customizations so why when an update occurs does the customizations that you suggest screw up my site??? AND #4 CANNOT be due to customization that is standard on your theme so you mean to tell me only 1 course can show at a time when its responsive???  Last month you told me to switch it to 2 (minimum number of blocks on screen) so it seems as though the words are not shrinking down to a size to fit repsonsive...
    Anshuman Sahu
    Yep this is a limitation of the carousel ,we cannot apply that much css for your course block on home page for just mobiles only . It may lead to conflicts in other elements of sites in your site . By changing s simple settings it is fixing you issue so it was more efficient way to fix your issue  . Thats why i did this . Yes we provided most of the customizations that you have asked a long ago in very muh old version ,. Therefore there will be some issues with  the latest version now as 2.0  was a major update . I also provided fixes for all that .
    Thank you, I appreciate a better explanation  I can understand like that versus the same one you give of  "We are unable to replicate due to your customizations".. it seems like a robot. So thank you for clarifying in more detail
    Anshuman Sahu
    Can we close this topic ?
    ye sclosed thank you  
    H.K. Latiyan
    Thanks for confirming, so closing the topic.
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