Everyone knows that list building is one of the most important parts of Internet Marketing. I have clients I have used this plugin and helped build list that are 20K to 50K subscribers.
This is hands down the best newsletter plugin on the market for Wordpress. It also enables you to easily pick post and send out in to subscribers.
If we had this integration for WPLMS we could also use it to send out new courses. If you design it smart we could even have multiple list based on categories we have for courses so that newsletter could better target what people are seeking as well as include other site information.
In addition if we could some how use say Free Quizzes for a given course that then acts as a lead engine list for given course or category of courses. Endless possibilities for pro marketers.
I have personally used Mail Poet over and over as mentioned and it can take the place of Mail Chimp and others and better yet its fully integrated to Wordpress so building a newsletter is easy and looks great.
Mail Poet also integrates to Send Grid and Mandrill using free WP plugins to provide a rock solid SMTP backbone. I have also used Mail Poet in conjunction with Hybrid Connect.