I have a problem with the setup of the child theme "Modern".
I tried it several times, but I got always errors and the sites are not showing like the demo.
First I installed the theme, than the required plugins, than the Child Theme and after that the required plugins. In the end I clicked on the "One-Click-Install" Button.
But still: errors and no home page.
I talked to you on themeforest and you told me to get a support ticket and you will look it up for me.
I deleted everything on the server and the database and set up a new WordPress Installation. After that I uploaded the theme wplms.zip and installed all required plugins.
That's all at the moment.
Please try it on your own: <span style="color: #a3aaae; font-family: proxima-nova, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 15.6px; line-height: 1.5;">http://bit.ly/1PTpEgM</span>
Best regards, Ali Elkhaiat
I tried it again. Installed the main theme, second the child theme and all plugins needed.
After one click installation I got a few error messages and the language is not supporting ä, ö or ü...
My WordPress Login: http://www.wp-kurse.com/wp-admin
User: eLkH4iat2015
Password: 2=CJ!J(zdV)Dt5=sIBtS$LN=!3Fd%6z
FTP: w013f2b0.kasserver.com
User: w013f2b0
Password: vu2g!d87§Wfs6/dB(4mX)J3w=2vu1#
Thank you
Can you please check FTP credentials, we tried to login but it says "Incorrect login details".
Can you please check and update us on this.
Refer this : http://prntscr.com/9vvzhu
FTP: w013f2b0.kasserver.com
User: w013f2b0
Password: 2!g5(8C6)7zq5=5Jba3#3qM34XFJ
Checking... Thanks for new credentials.
We have fixed the issue on your site.
Please do not activate BP Profile Cover plugin, it has some issues as of now. We will fix this in coming update.
Let us know if this helps.