Menu links awry in Internet Explorer

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  • #12293
    I have been building our WPLMS site ( using Chrome browser, but when I checked menu links using Internet Explorer, the menu points to the wrong page for some items. I double-checked in Chrome, and the items point to the right page, but then in IE, they go to a different location. Even after logging in, I was immediately taken to the "Not found" page instead of my profile page. Why the issue with links in IE? And how to fix?
    Looking into this further, I am finding that something has broken, as the homepage URL now displays recent posts. In other words, correct url, but wrong page. I also noticed that the options to "Edit" and "Edit with Visual Composer" are not showing in the admin bar at the to of the page. It's not the browsers, but something with the site. Other than editing a few existing pages, I haven't changed or added plugins, settings, etc. Thanks for your help. Clueless here what has caused the site to break like this.
    Anshuman Sahu
    For the home page please goto wp-admin -> appearance -> customize -> static front page and select your home page here . FOr the menu item link issue : Please share the version of the IE you are using to test and also the operating system  and its version. "Edit and edit with visual composer not appearing" is an issue for the instructors as of now in wplms but it is working fine for the admins . Please goto wp-admin users -> your profile and check if you have disabled the visual editor . refer : We have fixed the profile  issue . You did not set any members activity and groups page in settings -> buddypress -> pages . Also update your theme to version .  
    Here's an update: for whatever reason (virus, bad plugin, hack, inadvertent mistake), just about all my pages were trashed. I took Alex's advice and did a bulk Restore. However, when I checked browsers, pages still were not showing. Then I saw that Restore only restores them to Draft status. I had to then go and re-publish all of them (see instructions on how to do that here: Now my pages are showing. :) However, some images are not showing/displaying. Something has moved them from their folder location. Not sure how to solve the image issue. Suggestions?
    Solution re images: restored all images from backup. Any clue what plugin or action could have caused 104 pages (out of 150) to be moved to trash and many photos to be moved (trashed?) also, would be much appreciated. All plugins and themes are up to date.  Thanks for your help.
    Anshuman Sahu
    There is no such plugin and the theme that can do that according to me . Please change your site admin passwords and delete all the junk users to make it safe . Also please change your cpanel passowrds and usernames and install wordfence plugin to monitor activities in your site .
    Thanks for  the help and advice! :)
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