Modern Child Theme customization

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  • #28450
    Hi, How to maintain a system updated and my personal customization? The problem is that I have many style changes in modern child and when I update the theme to the last version I lost my changes. Please I need how to maintain the updates and my personalization. Many thanks, Sergio
    H.K. Latiyan
    You can use wplms customizer plugin to make customizations. This plugin is never updated as it is explicitly provided for customizations. So the customizations made in this plugins are safe and are not lost even after updates.
    Many thanks Latiyan, And for files into wplms_modern theme child files? For example blog.php Regards, Sergio
    H.K. Latiyan
    Modern theme is a child theme and overrides the default parent wplms theme,  the possible solution is that you copy the changes made by you and then update the theme and again paste the changes. OR do not update the child theme.
    Can I get modern theme content like "All Courses page, Course layout page, Cart page and Home page layout" in WPLMS default theme ? Is it possible ?  
    H.K. Latiyan
    @hemant: The content is same all the courses, quizes, units, questions, etc. it comes from default theme only. But if you want the layouts to look like the modern theme then yes it is already present in the theme. Please go to wp-admin->appearance->customize->layouts: and change the different  layouts accordingly.
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