Modern theme activation

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  • #4235
    I have two more questions: 1. I have already installed wplms mother theme earlier. Now, i just installed new child theme - wplms modern. Should i re-install because i tried and couldn't, installation failed!! 2. I cant find <span style="color: #000000; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-weight: 600; white-space: nowrap; background-color: #f7fcfe;">BP Profile Cover plugin in wp-admin > settings!!</span> I have installed it and it is in plugins' section but it is not in settings.. Can you help? Thanks George
    1. WPLMS Modern can only be activated if WPLMS mother theme is installed in Appearance - Themes. 2. If you've installed it great. The profile cover settings appear in front end profile - Change profile pic section.
    I have already installed V1.9.8 and earlier versions of mother theme. I just updated it to V1.9.9 with in WP update section and then installed child one - wplms Modern. Is that correct way ? I know that user can change profile cover straight in front end, but i want to change the default cover photo which have come with modern theme, how i can do that?   Thanks George
    1. Yes that is the correct way. 2. Default Cover pic is located in WP Admin - WPLMS - Header section. 3. BP Profile cover also adds a default cover pic located in side the plugin, maybe we should add an option for default cover pic in the plugin as well ?
    "<span style="color: #4b4d4d; font-family: Lato; font-size: 14px;">3. BP Profile cover also adds a default cover pic located in side the plugin, maybe we should add an option for default cover pic in the plugin as well ?</span>" That's what i'm talking about!! I want to change the default  pic which is provided by the plugin. Yes, it would be great to have a tool which changes this photo in the plugin by default!! Can you tell me where it is located to let me change that? Thanks, George
    Anshuman Sahu
    Right now there is no option available in the bp-cover-profile folder . However there is a workaround to do that : Replace the "default_cover.jpeg" in you wp-content/plugins/bp-profile-cover  folder . Place your cover image here with the name " default_cover.jpeg " and delete the existing one .  
    Yes, of course!!  How could i did not think about that?! It's so easy :) Thanks a lot!!
    Anshuman Sahu
    We are adding the default cover image options in the option panel in the bp profile cover plugin update  . Marking it as resolved and closing the topic .
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