sorry for that....
Hi Vibes Team
I have a problem with direct access to units by non logged-in users.
I am building an online videos learning platforms. All my units are videos and each course has about 10 of them. What I would like to do is to put as “free” some of the units, so they are accessible by non-logged-in users. Until there everything works.
Now I am using MashShare plugin in order to add a social share button below each one of my videos.
The problem is for some free units, for non logged in users the share works perfectly fine, while for other free units (of the same cours!) when you click on share it says “DIRECT ACCESS TO UNITS IS NOT ALLOWED”, see captures in attached
I double checked a multiples times, the units are configured the same, they are part of the same course… I don’t understand this problem…. Can you please look into that ?
Thank you in advance
here are my site credentials:
login: classproftw
pass: ybjpro!16
unable to replicate the issue .check video in private reply .
Hello Alex
Yes, the issue comes only when you are logged in as an admin (as an instructor I suppose), or as a user who purchased the course and you try to share videos from the course status page.
Please see the video I made ;)
Thanks for your help
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also here are the credentials for a user account as shown in the vide
login: yarosclasspro
pass: yarostest
I still not able to replicate the issue .
check videos with admin and instrcutor both in private reply .