Hi There,
There is actually a transition between the fixed menu and the fix fixed menu.
Is it possible to delete the transition effect between the first (when we are on the top of the screen) and the second (when we scroll down) ?
Thank you in advance.
Ok Thank you I commit a mistake. I would like no transition because I would like only one fix header... Or if it's possible to keep the two headers but without to see that there are two different headers ?
There is only 1 header present in your website.
When you scroll the page then a fixed class is added by javascript which fixes the header on top. The transition cannot be removed because its added by javascript and the custom css cannot manipulate it.
You can try using the static header instead of the fixed one, from the wp-admin->wplms->header->fix top header on scroll, set it to static, then the header will not be fixed and there will be no transition.
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