Hi guys,
How can I only have teachers/instructores on the "Instructors" page? Because right now it's showing even the administrators and I don't want it, I want only the ones with "Instructor" role.
Please advise, thank you
please try adding this given code in your wplms-customizer.php file in wplms customizer plugin :
add_filter('wplms_show_admin_in_instructors',function(){ return 0;});
Hi there,
This don't work because some admins are instructors too.
I need ALL with instructor role, not ONLY instructor, got it?
Thank you
Well then you would need to convert those user accounts to instrcutor role , then they will show up on all instrcutors page .
There is actually no way to detect if there is an admin who create a course on site .
by default all admins are also instrcutors in wplms .