Only subscribers can access free content

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  • #3581
    Hi guys, how can I make sure that only subscribers can access the free content on the website? Thank you.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Well only registered users can access the content and can take the course in wplms .The visitors can only see the courses on the single course page  . Can you please explain more about what content you want to protect from visitors  ? Is it all the content including pages and posts or just some lms specific content  .
    If only registered users can enroll the course, that's exactly what I needed Alex, thank you. I want to capture their email even when they enroll free courses (which from your explanation, is already what happens).   Thanks.
    Anshuman Sahu
    YEs  users needs to sign up first for free courses too. Marking it as resolved and closing the topic  .
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