Paid Membership Pro

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  • #113659
    Hi, I installed Paid Memberships Pro along with other plugins to get the site functional. My home page does not load when I have Paid Memberships Pro activated. Although the plugin trouble has been happening with the previous theme version, it is also occurring on 2.8.1 as well.  Would anyone be able to help me with this?   Thanks
    H.K. Latiyan
    Hi.. Can you please share the site url and the admin credentials with us to check the issue on your website. PS: Please mark your reply as private while sharing the credentials.
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    H.K. Latiyan
    Hi... I checked your website and found out that you have set the wrong pages in the membership pages, refer: You have added the home page in the cancel page, and the other pages were not set, that's why the home page was redirecting to a page that doesn't exists in your website and hence not loading. Please change it .
    Hi, Thank you, I have changed it was having trouble with getting to my home page now the Home Page that is currently showing is not my Home Page at all. What I am seeing when I go to my Home Page is THIS which is My Account>Membership Levels. What should be showing is my customized version of Demo 1 like THIS. I am unfamiliar with how to revert my home page to the customized Demo 1 page that was already there.

    When looking at the back end of the Home Page, it appears as if all of my information is still there but the Membership Levels page is showing up. I don't see anything within my Home Page that indicates that something is incorrect.

    As I was clicking through the Membership>Page Settings, I noticed that the following pages are redirected incorrectly although the shortcode entered is correct:

    • Membership Confirmation page takes visitors to Home Page
    • Membership Checkout page takes visitors to Membership Levels Page
    • Cancel page takes visitors to Membership Levels Page
    • My Account page takes visitors to Membership Levels Page

      Please help.

    H.K. Latiyan
    Hi.. First you need to remove the homepage from the membership settings page. Then if the homepage is not correct then you can simply import it from demo switcher, refer: Select your demo and import the homepage.
    Hi, Thanks for the response. I am looking at Membership>Page Settings and I do not have Home selected as one of the pages; however, the four items circled here takes me to the Home Page. Do you know why this would be happening?
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    H.K. Latiyan
    I checked your website and found that the homepage is fine, refer the screenshot in my next private reply. ----------------- The pages you are referring to in the screenshot will redirect you to the memebership level page if there is no data available for that. For example the membership cancel page will only be shown if you have some active membership and you want to cancel it. If you are not enrolled in any membership then this page will redirect you to the membership level page. Similarly the other pages shown in your screenshot will redirect you to the membership level page if there is no data to be shown there.  
    H.K. Latiyan
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Okay, thank you. I understand. Would I have to create a test user account with a dummy purchase to ensure that the pages are redirecting appropriately?
    H.K. Latiyan
    Yes, you can test it by creating some test users in your website.
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