Parent to Child Theme and Updates

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  • #98636
    Hi! Saw that there are new updates on the theme, we want to update ours but I think there's a possibility that we might lose some customization that we did. Can your team guide us on how we can do the update without losing whatever customization that we have? Another thing,  we want to change our theme from parent to a child theme but make sure to retain the current look and feel of our site.. can you give us guidelines on how we can do that properly?   Many thanks! site address is:      
    H.K. Latiyan
    Its always recommended to never make changes in the theme or plugin files. If you want to customize your website then use the wplms customizer plugin as this is a blank plugin and is never updated as its exclusively provided for customization purposes. Or you can use the blank child theme for customizations because as the name suggests its a blank child theme and is only used for customizations. ------------------- You can use blank child theme and make all the customizations in it. This theme is a blank theme therefore its never updated and hence the customizations are always safe in it. PS: When you switch themes then some widgets and some plugins gets deactivated (not all but some does), so make sure after switching you you activate those plugins and add the missing widgets (if any). Also make sure you take a backup before proceeding.
    do you think it is advisable for me to change my theme from demo 5 to blank child theme?   if I update my current theme to the latest wplms release will it cause a lot of change in the site?
    H.K. Latiyan
    The blank child theme is a blank theme it will cause no issues with your website. But when you which the themes then some plugins might get deactivated so you need to activate it again. ---------------- No it won't cause issues you can safely update your theme and plugins to 2.6.1 version. PS: Please take a backup before updating to be sure.
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