After I rescanned with Codestyling, the issues in the second screenshot got solved, I am not sure how. However:
1) The parts in screenshot one are still unstranslated.
2) After I rescanned, I got the following message, which makes me scared of breaking something: <b><span style="font-size: small;">Warning</span></b><span style="font-size: small;">: The actual loaded translation content contains mixed textdomains and is not pure translateable within one textdomain.
It seems, that there is code contained extracted out of other plugins, themes or widgets and used by copy & paste inside some source files.
The affected unknown textdomains are: wplms_modern, wplms-modern, woocommerce, vibe-customtypes, buddypress, buddydrive, bbpress </span>
Still, even if I translated all the unstranslated segments, the ones circled in red are not among them, so they would remain unchanged.
Thaks for your help!