PHP 7.0 Upgrade Crashing Site

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  • #127914
    Alex, I've been slow to respond because I was hoping for a different response before I carried this further. SiteGround has, via their plugin, an automated check of what is and is not compatible with PHP 7.0.22. It says that VibeShortCodes and WPLMS is not compatible. Here's a screenshot: I don't believe the either WPLMS nor Woo Commerce alone are the problem.  There's something going here between them that is causing issues.  For the more obscure plugins I can completely understand your recommendation of turning them off and moving on. However, WooCommerce?  This is a major developing force and certainly needed if I'm going to get paid on my site. I've filed a ticket with them and I'm sure they are going to point back to you guys and I'm going to get stuck in the middle bouncing around like a ping pong ball. Can I ask that you please look a little deeper into this one?  WPLMS should surely be completely compatible with Woo Commerce.  I get it if there is an update and a brief lag of compatibility but this has been going on for a while now and should be resolved. Please advise on next steps. Thank you, Me
    Anshuman Sahu
    This reply has been marked as private.
    Hi, I get the following errors while checking for PHP 7.0 compatibility: Are they serious? Can I still proceed to upgrade to PHP 7.0? Thanks.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Nope .Our development is done on php 7.0 itself . Please ignore these.
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