I figured out a way to set up private tutorial courses.
- The only thing that I need to know, If I disable create courses for instructors where we create the courses can I still assign the instructor to the course without giving them editorial ability??
I will purchase and use batches for this purpose and appointment plugin plus parent-child plugin.
- If I disable create courses for instructors but enable the appointment for them, they can still take appointments??
Now that leaves the last part, How can I change some terminology you are using to other words??
I want to change the word batches to tutorial room wherever the word batches is visible to public
and change the courses to session (tutorial session) wherever the word course/courses is visible to public
I want to change the word instructor to tutor wherever the work instructor is visible
Also, Can I change the name of the role from instructor to tutor as well??
Please let me know if that's possible and if so, is it through use of poeditor??
If it is possible, please let me know which files I need to change? I would like to proceed with the addons purchases if it is possible and start the work.