Hello Support,
I am using iSpring to embed PPT's into individual units. Using the iFrame method to do so.
To prevent copying, I have installed this plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-content-copy-protection/
Which makes viewing the source a bit difficult.
However, on Chrome you can still go Developer tools, find the URL within the iFrame. That URL is than accessible to anyone who has it. So a more tech savvy student can fetch the URL from the iFrame and pass it on to others who haven't paid for the course
I understand you have some built in mechanism to not allow users to share direct UNIT links as it throws up an error if student it not logged in.
But what about the Actual URL in an iFrame? Anyway to protect that? I have went over your forums but haven't found a solution.
I have used this plugin before. But it won't be helpful for me since my PPTs have audios embedded for students.
So iSpring converts the PPTs into HTML5/Flash files so students can listen to the audios online while taking the course
Any reply on this would be appreciated
Any public content can not be fully protected, because it should be public to be available as audo/video. Even if you use Amazon S3 meta plugin it restricts the content availability to a timeperiod, but in that timeperiod the content is public and can be downloaded.
It isn't public. It's behind a Paid Wall (Membership) but the paid members can still get the link and than redistribute it
Please try contacting the membership plugin author or support for this .
I am not using any membership plugin. Using the default membership functions in WPLMS.
Just trying here to see if there is any way to protect fetching the iFrame URL link from View Source option.
All the membership plugins runs their functions on the wordpress filter "the_content" .
While loading a protect page when the content starts loading they tends to check for the membership of the current user logged in and restricts the content on this basis .
Please note that in the iframe this should be working also .
Here is the screenshot of when i protected a post by membership and then embed it into a unit .
refer : http://prntscr.com/8s6rnd
Can you please share the info about the content you are used to show protected by the pmpro membership ?