Quiz automatic valutation not working last version

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  • #130539
    [email protected]
    Quiz automatic valutation not working last version, see file in attachments

    Theme version 3.01:

    Plugin: https://www.screencast.com/t/6SqVKOBsVnt

    < p class="MsoNormal"> Quiz

    We would like to enable automatic quiz evaluation but it does not seem to work, mark the course as completed and assign the certificate (automatically)

    in the latest version we do not find this option

    3. The question types in the quiz are selected in WPLMS options panel->Course Manager->Auto Evaluate question types

    https://www.screencast.com/t/9YWFlpf4ZVK https://www.screencast.com/t/CM43HwmZ

    Certificate (print option) a way to print the certificate?

    https://www.screencast.com/t/ufPYhiMOLd6a Thanks < p class="MsoNormal">

    Check quiz results (it seems in evaluation)

    < p class="MsoNormal">

    Certificate (print option)

    a way to print the certificate?

    < p class="MsoNormal">
    Anshuman Sahu
    Okay ,please share your url of that course and admin credentials in private reply to check this issue out . to automatic finish course also please enable "Auto trigger finish course button" from wp-admin -> lms -> settings .
    [email protected]
    Ok I try with auto trigger I will  you know   thanks  
    [email protected]
    Very thanks, now automatic quiz valutation works, but  the student doesn't see  the  certificate automatically in Profile.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Please check the condition for certificate allocation to the user . USer needs to score enough marks in course to get the certificate . marks for certificate can be set from course settings  :  http://prntscr.com/gt21ls Please check how many marks user got in that course from course -> activity tab . refer : http://prntscr.com/gt22nu
    [email protected]
    Many thanks, I checked the course settings and the marks for certificate: they are ok. Another question: what is the short code for student's name and surname to insert in certificate? With [certificate_student_name] is printed student's pubblic name in the certificate, but no name and surname. Thanks
    Anshuman Sahu
    To check certificate awarding issue ,please share your url of that course and admin credentials in a private reply . to show student name and surname .I would recommend you to ask your users to put their full name in their profile -> edit -> name field . refer : http://prntscr.com/gtgnjm
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