I'm trying to get the Read More translated. I used Poedit and it's translated fine.
I checked using CodeStyling and it's there, translated. But I keep seeing it in english.
Is it in another .po file that's not in the wplms theme language folder?
Please make sure that you have translated the read more text at right place .
Generically the theme looks for the translation files in the given manner :
1. It first looks for the wp-content/themes/wplms/languages folder .
2. Then it looks in for the wp-content/languages/themes/wplms folder .
3. If you are using a child theme then first it looks on the child-theme/languages folder and then it the parent theme folder and then in the global languages .
So if you are using the default theme then you should edit the wp-content/themes/wplms/languages folder .