I want Instructor to register itself using the instructor's registration form, I don't know if this feature exists in WPLMS, But this is a headache like first user will register itself as a student and then register for becoming an instructor.
All i want is instructors can register itself using first time registration form,
Registration form link: https://iops.org.pk/become-an-instructor/
Please share WP admin details with me. I need to check your WP admin area.
I suspect this issue is cache related. But maybe we can add a fix for this which is both cache compatible . Note that these type of fixes are mostly site specific .
edit this form in the wp-admin >> lms >> setting >> custom registration form >> setting.
check if the default role is set student. it should be instructor.
But i default WordPress > Admin > Settings > Reading I've set the default registration to Student,
As you mentioned above, Will this change that setting too in WordPress > Reading
refer: https://prnt.sc/qn3rjc