I'm changing my way of registration. I go back to free register first and having to still pay for content later. So no longer one page for registration and checkout, it was too much work.
This is the page where I'm creating my new registration. I have a lot of questions.
How do I get
this code to work on
this button?
How do I change the background of
these three buttons to #fff? (White)
How do I make all the fields be as wide as
the top three?
I have the field 'first name' (in Dutch: voornaam) twice. How can I delete one. I can't seem to get the change done
I try to add a border (#88deb4, radius 25, width: 2px) around the whole thing
like so, but when I enter the numbers and color
here, it doesn't get saved.
Last one, when switching tabs it shows an animation where the second tab comes from below. When checking the animation option it is not set. How can I delete this animation?
I can't wait to get these answers/solutions. I think what I need to do next is activate/make visible the shop. As part of the menu. And change my checkout page. After all of this I can probably delete all these extra plugins I used to integrate buddypress fields with woocommerce fields. That's great.