Remove Finish Course Button from all Courses

Home Forums Legacy Support Support queries How-to & Troubleshooting Remove Finish Course Button from all Courses

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  • #358172
    Hello, I need a code to hide the finish course button in all courses please. Not "hide the Finish Course button" not all units are complete or auto trigger finish course button once units/quizzes are complete, I want to totally remove the Finish Course button from all courses so students never select it. On my site any time a student selects "finish course" they get an error message. It may be from another custom code the developer added to the site I dont know for sure it would just be easier if the Finish Course button was totally removed from every course. Can you please provide a code to remove it all together/ Thank you A4da
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    Hi, For the first issue please share only your FTP/SFTP Credentials in private reply. For the second query please add this code in wplms>>footer>>google analytics code
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    Hi, 1- Issue is fixed on your site. Please check and confirm. 2- okay.
    It is good now thank you
    Finish Course button no longer gives an error but Is there anyway to remove the Finish Course button all together so it is not available for students to select? Now when student selects Finish Course They get 3 messages "Course Evaluated" "You've obtained 100/100 in Course 6 Week Orthodontic Dental Assistant Course" "Reviews Disabled For Course" See screenshot below Our courses are 2 parts - Part 1 is online and after online they gave to come to class in person. so if they select the finish course button in their course and see those messages it may confuse them and they may think they dont have to attend part 2 in person in our facility. I would like to not have a finish course button at all for any courses. Or is there a way to remove all the messages? or alter them to say "you have finished the online portion of the course, to finish the course must be done in our facility" or something like that? I especially dont want it to let the student know "Reviews are disabled" that message MUST be removed and "Course Evaluated" and Youve obtained 100/100" because that isnt correct they have only finished the online portion. Is there a code to remove "Finish Course" button on all courses or how can all the messages that show after they select "Finish Course" Thank you
    Hi, To remove this finish course button you can use this custom css in appearance>>customize>>custom css
    .more_course form input.review_course.full.button {
        display:none !important;
    that worked thank you
    Since adding this code to remove Finish Course button it caused another issue that when students make payment they cannot enroll in a "class date/batch" we have the class date/batch set to private as we always do and "hide "Join/Request"buttons useful for class exclusivity selected, enable class seats, there is a course connected to it. But when student makes payment it usually takes them to select/enroll in a class date/batch but now it wont let them select a class date/batch to enroll in it gives a message "This is a private class and you must request membership in order to join." This is how we have always set the class date/batch settings for students to enroll in a paid class (all our courses are paid) but since putting in the code you gave to remove finish course button now it wont allow them to pick a class date/batch. Is there another code to remove Finish Course that wont affect the enroll in a Batch/class date or back to my original question is there a way to remove the messages that appear on the students course when they do select "finish Course" Batches - Class date set up enroll in a batch - class date error
    Lightshot isnt working so I had to add a link of the screen shot of the error when selecting a batch and a screenshot of our set up of the batch/class date below Enroll in a batch class date error message Batch class date set up
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