how do I remove "required" label from buddypress registration form for students?
I used .bp-required-field-label {display: none;} and it only worked with WPLMS form for instructors.
Unfortunately I cannot use your custom student form and have to stick to BP.
I tried to translate Buddypress plugin with loco translate, but it also didn't work.
The profile fields can be set to required or not required by editing it from backend.
Go to wp-admin->users->profile fields->edit a field and set it to not required, refer:
I want them to be required, I just want to remove label. .bp-required-field-label {display: none;} doesn't help. Sending you link in the next message.
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You want to hide the (required) under account details.
This cannot be set to hidden because the field and required is a complete word, for example "username (required)" is a complete word and if you try to hide it then full "username (required)" will hide.
As an alternative you can use loco translate plugin and translate the wplms theme and change the "username (required)" to "username".
You might also refer the two sticky topics in translation forum for more information on translation:
I am using loco translate but I cannot find where those strings are. I checked buddypress plugin and they are not there.
This is present in wplms theme.
Search for "(required)" Its the single word and translate it or simply add 2 spaces and save the translation.
Thanks for confirming, so closing the topic.