We're implementing offline payments for all our courses so we'd like to skip the shopping cart enitrely and just utilize the course code widget. I'd like some guidance on how I can do away with the Take This Course button and have the students input a unique course code through the widget. May I have some guidance on implementing this?
Furthermore, we'd like to know if its possible to upload a csv file of all the course codes we would release to students and have the widget validate the course codes using the data from the csv file.
For this just do not create aor attch any product to your course or you can even deactivate the woocommerce plugin .
ALso do not make your courses free ,in this way your courses will show private label but on the same time if a user uses a course code to get access she would be added to the course .
2. Just create a course with course code and export a sample csv file from lms ->settings ->import export .
refer export settings : http://prntscr.com/8uei77
Then note the field name for the course code and reffering this csv file create your csv file with course ids and course code filed and value :
Refer : http://prntscr.com/8uehf3
Hi Alex,
Just wanted to report that it seems the export csv function's output file has errors. I am unable to open it. I've updated my installation to the latest them version and am now using modern theme. Attaching the file for your perusal.
The export file name itself suggests the issue.
export_course_0.csv the 0 in the file name is the number of entries exported. Please try re-exporting the file.
I actually tried 5 times. Could it be because I only inputted the course code for 1 course just to grab the csv format?
Sorry I think I figured it out. I was using the course ID of a course for which there was no course code. Thanks anyway for your quick reply!