I am user of WPLMS S3 plugin and really sure this plugin need to scale to Cloudfront. There is 2 problems: speed and price.
1/ All video service needs CDN to raise the speed. S3 is only storage, not a CDN. Cloudfront is CDN. So the minimum requirement to deliver high speed video is S3 + Cloudfront CDN (web type, not RTMP). I have made some test to play video from S3 and Cloudfront and the speed gap is real.
2/ Both S3 and Cloudfront price based on data transfer out. But S3 data out price is 3x higher than Cloudfront.
So, if online learning provider needs to deliver fast video with cheaper price, they need S3 + Cloudfront.
I have sent email to request to you to help me develop this kind of plugin.
We have to do some research on this .We will take a look into this .
I am also looking for the CDN based video access.
Let me know, how to get this configured in WPLMS.