SEO Issue

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  • #140979
    Hello, We are facing an issue with WPLMS Demo 5 theme, the Open Graph Properties are not appearing for COURSE PAGES but are included in HOMEPAGE and BLOG POSTS . Even after trying all the possible methods, it is not appearing. We also tried with Yoast SEO Plugin but no results. Due to this, we can't even share the courses on Social Media and its causing lot of inconvenience to our users as well. Please do help us on this ASAP.
    Anshuman Sahu
    Please try adding this given code in your wplms-customizer.php file in wplms customizer plugin : add_action('wplms_before_single_course','wplms_course_yoast_Seo_fix1244',10); function wplms_course_yoast_Seo_fix1244(){ if(function_exists('wpseo_frontend_head_init')){ add_action( 'wplms_before_single_course', 'wpseo_frontend_head_init', 99); }   }
    Thanks for quick response. Issue has been fixed.
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